
Digital5 is the online programming division of TV5 Network Inc. and currently headed by Chot Reyes, who also served as the chief of Sports5. It produces content (also partnering with some productions) that will can be viewed on the networks's online portals. Digital5's content ranges from lifestyle, travel, news, business, sports, comedy, etc. It also managed the news portal,, together with News5. Digital5 also produced shows for GG Network, the first online network catered for electronic gamers.


Digital5 is the online programming division of TV5 Network Inc. and currently headed by Chot Reyes, who also served as the chief of Sports5. It produces content (also partnering with some productions) that will can be viewed on the networks's online portals. Digital5's content ranges from lifestyle, travel, news, business, sports, comedy, etc. It also managed the news portal,, together with News5. Digital5 also produced shows for GG Network, the first online network catered for electronic gamers.