Divine twins

The Divine twins are a mytheme of Proto-Indo-European mythology. Examples include the: * Greek Dioscuri * Vedic/Hindu Ashvins * Hindu Nara-Narayana * Lithuanian Ašvieniai * Latvian Dieva dēli * Sicilian Palici * Germanic deities Alcis * Italian Romulus and Remus * Anglo-Saxon Hengest and Horsa The Yoruba orishas Ibeji are a similar example outside the Indo-European realm.

Divine twins

The Divine twins are a mytheme of Proto-Indo-European mythology. Examples include the: * Greek Dioscuri * Vedic/Hindu Ashvins * Hindu Nara-Narayana * Lithuanian Ašvieniai * Latvian Dieva dēli * Sicilian Palici * Germanic deities Alcis * Italian Romulus and Remus * Anglo-Saxon Hengest and Horsa The Yoruba orishas Ibeji are a similar example outside the Indo-European realm.