Doctor Puppet

Doctor Puppet (also known as The Doctor Puppet) is a US/UK stop-motion science fiction animation fan series that celebrates the top selling BBC TV series, Doctor Who and its rich history through hand-crafted puppets and original stories. Created by Alisa Stern in 2012 in her New York apartment, Doctor Puppet consists of a Tumblr blog, an eight episode series of short films featuring the likenesses of the Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) and other Doctors and characters from the BBC TV series, other short films with the Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi) and Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman), three Christmas specials, music videos, behind the scenes documentaries and Google Hangouts with the creative team. The series is composed and narrated by UK film score composer Scott Ampleford.

Doctor Puppet

Doctor Puppet (also known as The Doctor Puppet) is a US/UK stop-motion science fiction animation fan series that celebrates the top selling BBC TV series, Doctor Who and its rich history through hand-crafted puppets and original stories. Created by Alisa Stern in 2012 in her New York apartment, Doctor Puppet consists of a Tumblr blog, an eight episode series of short films featuring the likenesses of the Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) and other Doctors and characters from the BBC TV series, other short films with the Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi) and Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman), three Christmas specials, music videos, behind the scenes documentaries and Google Hangouts with the creative team. The series is composed and narrated by UK film score composer Scott Ampleford.