
Dodowa is a town located in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana, it is the district capital of Dangme West district, now Shai Osudoku District. The city is 39 km from the capital city, Accra. The notable tourist site found there is the Dodowa Forest. They celebrate "Gmayemi festival" The Tsenku Waterfall is located in the Dodowa Forest. This beautiful waterfall drops from a height of about 250 feet, running on stratified rocks into a cool, clean and clear pool with a large tilapia population. The Tsenku stream is joined by two other streams "Sanyade" and "Popotsi" before meandering into the sea.


Dodowa is a town located in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana, it is the district capital of Dangme West district, now Shai Osudoku District. The city is 39 km from the capital city, Accra. The notable tourist site found there is the Dodowa Forest. They celebrate "Gmayemi festival" The Tsenku Waterfall is located in the Dodowa Forest. This beautiful waterfall drops from a height of about 250 feet, running on stratified rocks into a cool, clean and clear pool with a large tilapia population. The Tsenku stream is joined by two other streams "Sanyade" and "Popotsi" before meandering into the sea.