Dogmatic Infidel Comedown OK

Dogmatic Infidel Comedown OK is an album of reworks and reinterpretations of tracks from IAMX's third studio album Kingdom of Welcome Addiction. It includes remixes by Combichrist, Pull Out Kings, Alec Empire, Vive la Fête, Black Light Odyssey, Omega Man, Aesthetic Perfection and Terrence Fixmer; covers by Miss Derringer, James Cook and Anne Marie Kirby (The Dollhouse), German band Index, and Larry Driscoll; and Chris Corner's own reworks under the alias of UNFALL.

Dogmatic Infidel Comedown OK

Dogmatic Infidel Comedown OK is an album of reworks and reinterpretations of tracks from IAMX's third studio album Kingdom of Welcome Addiction. It includes remixes by Combichrist, Pull Out Kings, Alec Empire, Vive la Fête, Black Light Odyssey, Omega Man, Aesthetic Perfection and Terrence Fixmer; covers by Miss Derringer, James Cook and Anne Marie Kirby (The Dollhouse), German band Index, and Larry Driscoll; and Chris Corner's own reworks under the alias of UNFALL.