Dose-dense chemotherapy

Dose-dense chemotherapy is a chemotherapy treatment plan in which drugs are given with less time between treatments than in a standard chemotherapy treatment plan. The Gompertzian model of tumor cell growth shows tumor cells growing fastest when the tumor is small. When a large (slow growing) tumor is surgically removed, microtumors or individual neoplastic cells that remain will be able to grow at their fastest rate. Standard treatment may include chemotherapy once every three weeks. This would allow bone marrow and GI recovery before the next treatment and would inhibit the tumor for a short time, but allow rapid growth for a short time before the next treatment.

Dose-dense chemotherapy

Dose-dense chemotherapy is a chemotherapy treatment plan in which drugs are given with less time between treatments than in a standard chemotherapy treatment plan. The Gompertzian model of tumor cell growth shows tumor cells growing fastest when the tumor is small. When a large (slow growing) tumor is surgically removed, microtumors or individual neoplastic cells that remain will be able to grow at their fastest rate. Standard treatment may include chemotherapy once every three weeks. This would allow bone marrow and GI recovery before the next treatment and would inhibit the tumor for a short time, but allow rapid growth for a short time before the next treatment.