Dough offering

The dough offering (Hebrew mitzvat terumat hallah Hebrew: מצוות תרומת חלה‎‎) is a positive commandment requiring the owner of a bread dough to give a part of the kneaded dough to a priest. This commandment is one of the twenty-four kohanic gifts. The common modern practice in Orthodox Judaism is to burn the portion to be given the Kohen, although giving the hallah to a Kohen for consumption is permitted outside of Israel (permitted with restrictions, see article below for detail).

Dough offering

The dough offering (Hebrew mitzvat terumat hallah Hebrew: מצוות תרומת חלה‎‎) is a positive commandment requiring the owner of a bread dough to give a part of the kneaded dough to a priest. This commandment is one of the twenty-four kohanic gifts. The common modern practice in Orthodox Judaism is to burn the portion to be given the Kohen, although giving the hallah to a Kohen for consumption is permitted outside of Israel (permitted with restrictions, see article below for detail).