Drammen Heat Pump

Drammen Fjernvarme District Heating is a district heating system in Drammen, Norway, a regional capital some 65km west of Oslo. The heat pump was manufactured by Star Refrigeration in 2011 with 3 systems giving a combined capacity of 14 megawatts to central Drammen providing 85% of hot water needed for the city. The district heating system is owned and operated by Drammen Fjernvarme who have the rights to the concession area given by the Drammen Municipality. This requires all new buildings larger than 1000 m2 to be built with a water-based heating system and connected to the district heating system.

Drammen Heat Pump

Drammen Fjernvarme District Heating is a district heating system in Drammen, Norway, a regional capital some 65km west of Oslo. The heat pump was manufactured by Star Refrigeration in 2011 with 3 systems giving a combined capacity of 14 megawatts to central Drammen providing 85% of hot water needed for the city. The district heating system is owned and operated by Drammen Fjernvarme who have the rights to the concession area given by the Drammen Municipality. This requires all new buildings larger than 1000 m2 to be built with a water-based heating system and connected to the district heating system.