
Dropmysite (now known as Dropsuite) is a Private Limited Company in Singapore that backs up the Internet, with a focus on backing up Cloud data, such as websites, emails, databases and mobile phones. The company owns three websites: Dropmysite.com, Dropmyemail.com, and Dropmymobile.com. Dropmysite has operations in Singapore, Tokyo and Dallas. Dropmymobile is an app that aims to be a one-stop solution to backup everything in a smartphone. It was launched in October 2014 for all Android devices and is available on Google Play Store.


Dropmysite (now known as Dropsuite) is a Private Limited Company in Singapore that backs up the Internet, with a focus on backing up Cloud data, such as websites, emails, databases and mobile phones. The company owns three websites: Dropmysite.com, Dropmyemail.com, and Dropmymobile.com. Dropmysite has operations in Singapore, Tokyo and Dallas. Dropmymobile is an app that aims to be a one-stop solution to backup everything in a smartphone. It was launched in October 2014 for all Android devices and is available on Google Play Store.