Drug-free school zone

United States Federal law and many state and local laws increase penalties for illegal drug-related activities in Drug-free school zones. The penalties vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction in terms of whether they stand alone as separate offenses or serve as a sentencing enhancement and in terms of the defenses available. Due primarily to an ongoing lack of research supporting any of these efforts being an effective deterrent to crime, Congress recently eliminated several programs administered by the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools.

Drug-free school zone

United States Federal law and many state and local laws increase penalties for illegal drug-related activities in Drug-free school zones. The penalties vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction in terms of whether they stand alone as separate offenses or serve as a sentencing enhancement and in terms of the defenses available. Due primarily to an ongoing lack of research supporting any of these efforts being an effective deterrent to crime, Congress recently eliminated several programs administered by the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools.