
Dysdera is a genus of spiders from the family Dysilera (Dysderidae), Dysderidae is the largest family of spiders, containing over 240 types and most inhabit small regions in the Mediterranean. They originated from Central Asia to Central Europe, Dysdera crocata, Dysdera ninnii Canestrini, Dysdera dubrovninnii, Dysdera hungarica Kulczyñski, Dysdera longirostris Doblika are the five groups still found in Central Europe after the last glacial period. They are also abundantly found in North African countries like Morocco, Egypt, Ethiopia, The Iberian Peninsula, and Australia. Some species are found in the U.S., Dysdera crocata is found from New England down to Georgia and all the way across the country in California. However, at least two species inhabit South America (D. solers in Colombia, (


Dysdera is a genus of spiders from the family Dysilera (Dysderidae), Dysderidae is the largest family of spiders, containing over 240 types and most inhabit small regions in the Mediterranean. They originated from Central Asia to Central Europe, Dysdera crocata, Dysdera ninnii Canestrini, Dysdera dubrovninnii, Dysdera hungarica Kulczyñski, Dysdera longirostris Doblika are the five groups still found in Central Europe after the last glacial period. They are also abundantly found in North African countries like Morocco, Egypt, Ethiopia, The Iberian Peninsula, and Australia. Some species are found in the U.S., Dysdera crocata is found from New England down to Georgia and all the way across the country in California. However, at least two species inhabit South America (D. solers in Colombia, (