EDP Sciences

EDP Sciences, Édition Diffusion Presse Sciences, is an STM publisher that works closely with the scientific world. It specialises in the communication and dissemination of scientific information to specialist and general audiences alike (general public, decision-makers, teachers, etc.). EDP Sciences produces and publishes international journals, books, conferences and internet sites with a predominantly scientific or technical content. EDP Sciences is a publishing house owned by learned societies and run by publishing professionals.

EDP Sciences

EDP Sciences, Édition Diffusion Presse Sciences, is an STM publisher that works closely with the scientific world. It specialises in the communication and dissemination of scientific information to specialist and general audiences alike (general public, decision-makers, teachers, etc.). EDP Sciences produces and publishes international journals, books, conferences and internet sites with a predominantly scientific or technical content. EDP Sciences is a publishing house owned by learned societies and run by publishing professionals.