ENav-navigation system

The project eNav – A navigation system for electric wheelchairs uses several distinct methods and ideas concerning embedded systems to better measure as well as utilize the battery capacity of electric wheelchairs. Furthermore, barriers are detected, which can then be avoided. The hallmark of the navigation system is the calculation of an energy efficient route, which is conducted additionally to the calculation of the shortest route. The user has the option to choose between both. eNav can be accessed as a route planner using a web browser. In the near future, a free navigation app should be available in the Google Play Store.

ENav-navigation system

The project eNav – A navigation system for electric wheelchairs uses several distinct methods and ideas concerning embedded systems to better measure as well as utilize the battery capacity of electric wheelchairs. Furthermore, barriers are detected, which can then be avoided. The hallmark of the navigation system is the calculation of an energy efficient route, which is conducted additionally to the calculation of the shortest route. The user has the option to choose between both. eNav can be accessed as a route planner using a web browser. In the near future, a free navigation app should be available in the Google Play Store.