ESERP Business School

ESERP Business School is a business school in Spain founded by José Daniel Barquero. The school has a university-level education with twenty years in higher education. The school is ranked among some of the top business schools in Spain.ESERP has campuses in Madrid and Barcelona, and is associated with schools in Palma de Mallorca, Alcalá de Guadaira in Seville, and La Coruña, and with some Business Schools nationally and internationally.

ESERP Business School

ESERP Business School is a business school in Spain founded by José Daniel Barquero. The school has a university-level education with twenty years in higher education. The school is ranked among some of the top business schools in Spain.ESERP has campuses in Madrid and Barcelona, and is associated with schools in Palma de Mallorca, Alcalá de Guadaira in Seville, and La Coruña, and with some Business Schools nationally and internationally.