EXIN is a Dutch company which certifies IT professionals worldwide. In addition, EXIN accredits (training and examination) organizations in the field of ICT training and the development of ICT training materials. EXIN is active in more than 165 countries and provides examination in many languages. Since EXIN Was founded in 1984, it has assessed and certified more than two million professionals. EXIN’s headquarter is situated in Utrecht, The Netherlands.


EXIN is a Dutch company which certifies IT professionals worldwide. In addition, EXIN accredits (training and examination) organizations in the field of ICT training and the development of ICT training materials. EXIN is active in more than 165 countries and provides examination in many languages. Since EXIN Was founded in 1984, it has assessed and certified more than two million professionals. EXIN’s headquarter is situated in Utrecht, The Netherlands.