Eastern Aid

Eastern Aid (Osthilfe) was a policy of the German Government of the Weimar Republic (1919–33) to give financial support from Government funds to bankrupt estates in East Prussia. The policy was implemented beginning in 1929-1930, in spite of the generally dire economic situation and the lack of government funds, because of the overwhelming need of the Government of the German Republic to retain the support of the influential Junker owners of these estates, although it was opposed by such important politicians as general and Chancellor of Germany Kurt von Schleicher.

Eastern Aid

Eastern Aid (Osthilfe) was a policy of the German Government of the Weimar Republic (1919–33) to give financial support from Government funds to bankrupt estates in East Prussia. The policy was implemented beginning in 1929-1930, in spite of the generally dire economic situation and the lack of government funds, because of the overwhelming need of the Government of the German Republic to retain the support of the influential Junker owners of these estates, although it was opposed by such important politicians as general and Chancellor of Germany Kurt von Schleicher.