Economics of networks

Economics of networks is an increasing new field on the border of economics and network sciences. It is concerned with understanding of economic phenomena by using network concepts and the tools of network science. Some main author in the field are Matthew O. Jackson and Rachel Kranton. This term shouldn’t be confused with network economics or network externality, which is a theory explaining that a product or service has an increasing demand, that is, the more people use it, the more utility it brings.

Economics of networks

Economics of networks is an increasing new field on the border of economics and network sciences. It is concerned with understanding of economic phenomena by using network concepts and the tools of network science. Some main author in the field are Matthew O. Jackson and Rachel Kranton. This term shouldn’t be confused with network economics or network externality, which is a theory explaining that a product or service has an increasing demand, that is, the more people use it, the more utility it brings.