Ecstasy: A Study of Happiness

Ecstasy: A Study of Happiness (Dutch: Extaze. Een boek van geluk) is a novel written by Louis Couperus and published in 1892 by L.J. Veen in a first edition of 1,250–1,500 copies. A second edition was printed in 1894 (1,250 copies) and a third in 1905 (2,000 copies). Ecstasy was the first book of Couperus that was published by L.J. Veen, later his regular publisher. Couperus received a wage of 550 guilders for the first edition. Ecstasy was first published in the Dutch literary magazine The Gids. The book was translated into English by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos in 1919 and published by Dodd, Mead and Company.

Ecstasy: A Study of Happiness

Ecstasy: A Study of Happiness (Dutch: Extaze. Een boek van geluk) is a novel written by Louis Couperus and published in 1892 by L.J. Veen in a first edition of 1,250–1,500 copies. A second edition was printed in 1894 (1,250 copies) and a third in 1905 (2,000 copies). Ecstasy was the first book of Couperus that was published by L.J. Veen, later his regular publisher. Couperus received a wage of 550 guilders for the first edition. Ecstasy was first published in the Dutch literary magazine The Gids. The book was translated into English by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos in 1919 and published by Dodd, Mead and Company.