Einsideln Itinerary

The Einsiedeln Itinerary is a ninth century guide to the City of Rome written for pilgrims. It was preserved in the Einsiedeln Abbey in Switzerland. The Itinerary is written in eleven sections. Each section describes a crossing of Rome from one gate to another, describing the interesting sights to be seen on or near the particular route. The text describes many buildings and monuments, and describes in detail the walls of the city.

Einsideln Itinerary

The Einsiedeln Itinerary is a ninth century guide to the City of Rome written for pilgrims. It was preserved in the Einsiedeln Abbey in Switzerland. The Itinerary is written in eleven sections. Each section describes a crossing of Rome from one gate to another, describing the interesting sights to be seen on or near the particular route. The text describes many buildings and monuments, and describes in detail the walls of the city.