El Rodeo de San Antonio, Michoácan

El Rodeo de San Antonio El Rodeo de San Antonio is located in the state of Michoacán, Mexico. This community belongs to the municipal of Jose Sixto Verduzco and is located between the borders of the state of Michoacán and Guanajuato. El Rodeo is formally known as Heroes de Chapultepec but it is popularly known as El Rodeo de San Antonio. The town is home to more than 2000 residents. However, another 4500 people currently have immigrated to the United States.

El Rodeo de San Antonio, Michoácan

El Rodeo de San Antonio El Rodeo de San Antonio is located in the state of Michoacán, Mexico. This community belongs to the municipal of Jose Sixto Verduzco and is located between the borders of the state of Michoacán and Guanajuato. El Rodeo is formally known as Heroes de Chapultepec but it is popularly known as El Rodeo de San Antonio. The town is home to more than 2000 residents. However, another 4500 people currently have immigrated to the United States.