Electoral College (Confederate States)

The Electoral College of the Confederate States was the institution that elected the President (Jefferson Davis), and Vice President (Alexander H. Stephens), of the Confederate States for a six-year term. Only one election was ever held, in 1861. In that election, the Electoral College consisted of 109 electors. The electors (chosen in the November elections) met in their respective states to cast their votes on December 4, 1861 (Confederate law mandated that electors meet on the first Wednesday in December).

Electoral College (Confederate States)

The Electoral College of the Confederate States was the institution that elected the President (Jefferson Davis), and Vice President (Alexander H. Stephens), of the Confederate States for a six-year term. Only one election was ever held, in 1861. In that election, the Electoral College consisted of 109 electors. The electors (chosen in the November elections) met in their respective states to cast their votes on December 4, 1861 (Confederate law mandated that electors meet on the first Wednesday in December).