Eliot Spitzer drivers license controversy

On September 21, 2007, Governor of New York Eliot Spitzer issued an executive order directing that state offices allow illegal aliens to be issued driver's licenses effective December 2007. The measure was introduced three times. Once, as an executive order that was later withdrawn, then revamped as a legislative bill, which was defeated in the New York State Senate, and finally introduced as an administrative measure through the Department of Motor Vehicles and withdrawn again after heavy public and political opposition.

Eliot Spitzer drivers license controversy

On September 21, 2007, Governor of New York Eliot Spitzer issued an executive order directing that state offices allow illegal aliens to be issued driver's licenses effective December 2007. The measure was introduced three times. Once, as an executive order that was later withdrawn, then revamped as a legislative bill, which was defeated in the New York State Senate, and finally introduced as an administrative measure through the Department of Motor Vehicles and withdrawn again after heavy public and political opposition.