Emblem of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic

The national emblem of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic was adopted in 1937 by the government of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic. The device is based on the emblem of the Soviet Union. The slogan on the banner bears the Soviet Union state motto ("Workers of the world, unite!") in both the Russian and Azerbaijani languages. In Azerbaijani, it is "Бүтүн өлкəлəрин пролетарлары, бирлəшин!" (in the current Azerbaijani Latin script: "Bütün ölkələrin proletarları, birləşin!"). The emblem was changed in 1992 to the present emblem which retains some parts of the Soviet one.

Emblem of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic

The national emblem of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic was adopted in 1937 by the government of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic. The device is based on the emblem of the Soviet Union. The slogan on the banner bears the Soviet Union state motto ("Workers of the world, unite!") in both the Russian and Azerbaijani languages. In Azerbaijani, it is "Бүтүн өлкəлəрин пролетарлары, бирлəшин!" (in the current Azerbaijani Latin script: "Bütün ölkələrin proletarları, birləşin!"). The emblem was changed in 1992 to the present emblem which retains some parts of the Soviet one.