End Water Poverty

The coalition members consist mainly of non-governmental organisations from around the world who recognise sanitation and water’s vital role in tackling poverty and creating sustainable development. The campaign was launched on World Water Day, March 22, 2007 and in its first year 25,000 supporters called on Chancellor Merkel of Germany, as the G8 summit host, to commit the G8 countries to a plan to provide sanitation and water for all.

End Water Poverty

The coalition members consist mainly of non-governmental organisations from around the world who recognise sanitation and water’s vital role in tackling poverty and creating sustainable development. The campaign was launched on World Water Day, March 22, 2007 and in its first year 25,000 supporters called on Chancellor Merkel of Germany, as the G8 summit host, to commit the G8 countries to a plan to provide sanitation and water for all.