Ensi (Sumerian)

Ensi (spelled pa.te.si, 100x100x100x in cuneiform script, hence occasionally transliterated "patesi"; possibly derived from en si-k, "lord of the plowland"; borrowed into Akkadian as iššakkum) is a Sumerian language title designating the ruler or prince of a city-state. Originally it may have designated an independent ruler, but in later periods the title presupposed subordinance to a lugal. In the city-state of Assur, the hereditary ruler bore the Akkadian language version of the title ensí, while the patron deity was regarded as šarrum "king".

Ensi (Sumerian)

Ensi (spelled pa.te.si, 100x100x100x in cuneiform script, hence occasionally transliterated "patesi"; possibly derived from en si-k, "lord of the plowland"; borrowed into Akkadian as iššakkum) is a Sumerian language title designating the ruler or prince of a city-state. Originally it may have designated an independent ruler, but in later periods the title presupposed subordinance to a lugal. In the city-state of Assur, the hereditary ruler bore the Akkadian language version of the title ensí, while the patron deity was regarded as šarrum "king".