
EnterpriseDB (EDB) is a privately held company that provides software and services based on the open source database PostgreSQL. EDB develops and integrates performance, security, and manageability enhancements into PostgreSQL to support enterprise-class workloads for its database, EDB Postgres Advanced Server. EDB has also developed database compatibility for Oracle to facilitate the migration of workloads from Oracle to EDB Postgres and support the operation of many Oracle workloads on EDB Postgres.


EnterpriseDB (EDB) is a privately held company that provides software and services based on the open source database PostgreSQL. EDB develops and integrates performance, security, and manageability enhancements into PostgreSQL to support enterprise-class workloads for its database, EDB Postgres Advanced Server. EDB has also developed database compatibility for Oracle to facilitate the migration of workloads from Oracle to EDB Postgres and support the operation of many Oracle workloads on EDB Postgres.