Erevis Cale

Erevis Cale is a fictional character in the Forgotten Realms series of books, which are published by Wizards of the Coast and based on the Forgotten Realms campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game. He is first introduced in a short story published in "Another Name For Dawn" (Dragon #277), and then appears in the short story "Resurrection" in the collection that formed the first part of the Sembia series, The Halls of Stormweather. In a review of the novel Midnight's Mask, Don D'Ammassa described Erevis Cale as "a man tormented by questions of right and wrong."

Erevis Cale

Erevis Cale is a fictional character in the Forgotten Realms series of books, which are published by Wizards of the Coast and based on the Forgotten Realms campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game. He is first introduced in a short story published in "Another Name For Dawn" (Dragon #277), and then appears in the short story "Resurrection" in the collection that formed the first part of the Sembia series, The Halls of Stormweather. In a review of the novel Midnight's Mask, Don D'Ammassa described Erevis Cale as "a man tormented by questions of right and wrong."