Erguer-Estudantes da Galiza

Erguer-Estudantes da Galiza (Erguer, Wake Up-Students of Galiza in Galician language) is a Galician student union that advocates for a public, democratic, galician language, quality and antipatriarchal education. Any high school, vocational training or university student can join Erguer. Erguer also advocates for Galician independence and a Republic of Galicia.

Erguer-Estudantes da Galiza

Erguer-Estudantes da Galiza (Erguer, Wake Up-Students of Galiza in Galician language) is a Galician student union that advocates for a public, democratic, galician language, quality and antipatriarchal education. Any high school, vocational training or university student can join Erguer. Erguer also advocates for Galician independence and a Republic of Galicia.