Ernest Belcher

Major Ernest Albert Belcher CBE (1871 – 1949) was the Assistant general manager of the British Empire Exhibition which was held at Wembley in 1924 and 1925. He was leader of the 1922 tour around the world to promote this event. Agatha Christie and her husband Archie were members of this group and Christie mentions him in her notes and biographies. A recent book The Grand Tour: Around the World with the Queen of Mystery gives an outline of this tour and describes Major Belcher in depth.

Ernest Belcher

Major Ernest Albert Belcher CBE (1871 – 1949) was the Assistant general manager of the British Empire Exhibition which was held at Wembley in 1924 and 1925. He was leader of the 1922 tour around the world to promote this event. Agatha Christie and her husband Archie were members of this group and Christie mentions him in her notes and biographies. A recent book The Grand Tour: Around the World with the Queen of Mystery gives an outline of this tour and describes Major Belcher in depth.