Eternal Echoes

Eternal Echoes is the name of John Barry's final solo album. It was his follow-up recording to The Beyondness of Things, an original solo album of independent material not connected to any film. The composer described the 11 pieces of Eternal Echoes as comprising "an album of sounds, of places and of objects that have always existed and always will exist. They are without beginning or end. They are infinite in our past and future."

Eternal Echoes

Eternal Echoes is the name of John Barry's final solo album. It was his follow-up recording to The Beyondness of Things, an original solo album of independent material not connected to any film. The composer described the 11 pieces of Eternal Echoes as comprising "an album of sounds, of places and of objects that have always existed and always will exist. They are without beginning or end. They are infinite in our past and future."