
Euroset (Russian: Евросеть) is Russia's largest mobile phone retailer, with over 5,000 stores across Russia and Belarus. It employs some 27,000 people (as of 2010). As of 2006, the company controlled 37% of the Russian mobile retail market. Its main rival is Svyaznoy. Entertainer Ivan Okhlobystin was the company's creative director from December 2010 to January 2014. He was sacked in the wake of his controversial appeal to "burn homosexuals alive".


Euroset (Russian: Евросеть) is Russia's largest mobile phone retailer, with over 5,000 stores across Russia and Belarus. It employs some 27,000 people (as of 2010). As of 2006, the company controlled 37% of the Russian mobile retail market. Its main rival is Svyaznoy. Entertainer Ivan Okhlobystin was the company's creative director from December 2010 to January 2014. He was sacked in the wake of his controversial appeal to "burn homosexuals alive".