Extragalactic planet

An extragalactic planet, also known as an extragalactic exoplanet, is a planet orbiting a star located outside the Milky Way. Due to the huge distance to those worlds, they would be very hard to detect, with no confirmed examples so far. The most distant known planets are SWEEPS-11 and SWEEPS-04, located in Sagittarius, approximately 27,710 light-years from the Sun, while the Milky Way is between 100,000–180,000 light years in diameter. This means that even galactic planets located further than that distance have not been detected.

Extragalactic planet

An extragalactic planet, also known as an extragalactic exoplanet, is a planet orbiting a star located outside the Milky Way. Due to the huge distance to those worlds, they would be very hard to detect, with no confirmed examples so far. The most distant known planets are SWEEPS-11 and SWEEPS-04, located in Sagittarius, approximately 27,710 light-years from the Sun, while the Milky Way is between 100,000–180,000 light years in diameter. This means that even galactic planets located further than that distance have not been detected.