FT Alphaville

FT Alphaville is a daily news and commentary service for financial market professionals created by the Financial Times in October 2006. The founding editor was Paul Murphy. The service includes an email-based morning financial brief, a blog, and two message boards, one called "Markets Live" and another, added two years after its founding, called "The Long Room ". Commenting on the blog or participating on either of the message boards require registration; the Long Room is limited to current and retired financial professionals.

FT Alphaville

FT Alphaville is a daily news and commentary service for financial market professionals created by the Financial Times in October 2006. The founding editor was Paul Murphy. The service includes an email-based morning financial brief, a blog, and two message boards, one called "Markets Live" and another, added two years after its founding, called "The Long Room ". Commenting on the blog or participating on either of the message boards require registration; the Long Room is limited to current and retired financial professionals.