FV Margiris

FV Margiris, is the world's second largest fishing boat. It is a 9,500 GT super trawler and factory ship. In 2012, Seafish Tasmania brought the ship (then named the Abel Tasman) to Australia. She was originally authorized to catch a quota of 18,000 tonnes of jack mackerel and redbait along the southern shores of the country. After protests against her use by environmental and fishing industry groups, the Australian government passed legislation prohibiting the trawler from fishing in Australian waters for two years. For this reason, Seafish Tasmania subsequently sold its stake in the vessel to Dutch company Parlevliet & Van der Plas. On March 6, 2013, after six months moored in Australian waters, she left Port Lincoln, having reassumed her original name of Margiris.

FV Margiris

FV Margiris, is the world's second largest fishing boat. It is a 9,500 GT super trawler and factory ship. In 2012, Seafish Tasmania brought the ship (then named the Abel Tasman) to Australia. She was originally authorized to catch a quota of 18,000 tonnes of jack mackerel and redbait along the southern shores of the country. After protests against her use by environmental and fishing industry groups, the Australian government passed legislation prohibiting the trawler from fishing in Australian waters for two years. For this reason, Seafish Tasmania subsequently sold its stake in the vessel to Dutch company Parlevliet & Van der Plas. On March 6, 2013, after six months moored in Australian waters, she left Port Lincoln, having reassumed her original name of Margiris.