Fab (brand)

The brand Fab is an ice lolly on a stick in the United Kingdom, introduced by J. Lyons & Co. Ltd. who launched the product in 1967. The brand 'FAB' was brought out in order to take advantage of the popularity of Gerry Anderson's new television series Thunderbirds that regularly used the phrase "F-A-B" as an equivalent to "Roger" (communications jargon indicating that a message has been received). The original lolly packaging had a prominent image of Lady Penelope and her butler/driver Parker on the wrapper. The lolly was originally pitched at the female market with the association to purchase being the attraction of Lady Penelope. The equivalent male lolly was the Zoom whose marketing was also connected with the Thunderbirds brand by use of the Thunderbird 3 rocket imagery.

Fab (brand)

The brand Fab is an ice lolly on a stick in the United Kingdom, introduced by J. Lyons & Co. Ltd. who launched the product in 1967. The brand 'FAB' was brought out in order to take advantage of the popularity of Gerry Anderson's new television series Thunderbirds that regularly used the phrase "F-A-B" as an equivalent to "Roger" (communications jargon indicating that a message has been received). The original lolly packaging had a prominent image of Lady Penelope and her butler/driver Parker on the wrapper. The lolly was originally pitched at the female market with the association to purchase being the attraction of Lady Penelope. The equivalent male lolly was the Zoom whose marketing was also connected with the Thunderbirds brand by use of the Thunderbird 3 rocket imagery.