Fajã de Entre Poios

The Fajã of Entre Poios (Portuguese: Fajã de Entre Poios), literally meaning the Fajã between Hills/Knolls is a permanent debris field, built from the collapsing cliffs on the northern coast of the civil parish of Velas, in the municipality of Velas, island of São Jorge, in the Portuguese archipelago of the Azores. There are three small ravines, one of which is a permanent course, that cross the fajã.

Fajã de Entre Poios

The Fajã of Entre Poios (Portuguese: Fajã de Entre Poios), literally meaning the Fajã between Hills/Knolls is a permanent debris field, built from the collapsing cliffs on the northern coast of the civil parish of Velas, in the municipality of Velas, island of São Jorge, in the Portuguese archipelago of the Azores. There are three small ravines, one of which is a permanent course, that cross the fajã.