Federal cities of Russia

A city of federal importance (Russian: город федерального значения, tr. gorod federalnogo znacheniya) or federal city in Russia is a city that has a status of both an inhabited locality and a constituent federal subject. The Russian Federation is divided into eighty-five federal subjects, three of which are federal cities. Two federal subjects, including the federal city of Sevastopol, are in the disputed region of Crimea which was annexed by the Russian Federation in 2014 but is recognised as Ukrainian territory by most of the international community.

Federal cities of Russia

A city of federal importance (Russian: город федерального значения, tr. gorod federalnogo znacheniya) or federal city in Russia is a city that has a status of both an inhabited locality and a constituent federal subject. The Russian Federation is divided into eighty-five federal subjects, three of which are federal cities. Two federal subjects, including the federal city of Sevastopol, are in the disputed region of Crimea which was annexed by the Russian Federation in 2014 but is recognised as Ukrainian territory by most of the international community.