Fernheim Colony

Fernheim Colony is a German speaking settlement of Mennonites originally from Russia of about 5000 in the Chaco of Paraguay. Refugees from the Soviet Union founded it between 1930 and 1932. Filadelfia is the administrative center of the colony, seat of Boquerón department and is considered the 'Capital of the Chaco'. The economic base of Fernheim is agriculture and processing of agricultural products. The most important products are cotton, peanuts, beef, milk and dairy products. Fernheim is the second Mennonite colony in Paraguay, after Menno Colony.

Fernheim Colony

Fernheim Colony is a German speaking settlement of Mennonites originally from Russia of about 5000 in the Chaco of Paraguay. Refugees from the Soviet Union founded it between 1930 and 1932. Filadelfia is the administrative center of the colony, seat of Boquerón department and is considered the 'Capital of the Chaco'. The economic base of Fernheim is agriculture and processing of agricultural products. The most important products are cotton, peanuts, beef, milk and dairy products. Fernheim is the second Mennonite colony in Paraguay, after Menno Colony.