Fifteen Minutes That Shook the World

Fifteen Minutes That Shook the World is a film written by Dave Kirby about Liverpool's Champions League win in 2005 in Istanbul, known as "The miracle of Istanbul". It stars Neil Fitzmaurice as Rafa Benitez and has cameos by Steven Gerrard, Jamie Carragher and Dietmar Hamann. The film has been available on DVD since late 2009. The film begins with an TV journalist investigating the events of the Champions League final. He eventually tracks down CCTV footage of the Liverpool dressing room at half time.

Fifteen Minutes That Shook the World

Fifteen Minutes That Shook the World is a film written by Dave Kirby about Liverpool's Champions League win in 2005 in Istanbul, known as "The miracle of Istanbul". It stars Neil Fitzmaurice as Rafa Benitez and has cameos by Steven Gerrard, Jamie Carragher and Dietmar Hamann. The film has been available on DVD since late 2009. The film begins with an TV journalist investigating the events of the Champions League final. He eventually tracks down CCTV footage of the Liverpool dressing room at half time.