Filistata insidiatrix

Filistata insidiatrix is a spider species that occurs in the Mediterranean through to Turkmenistan, and on the Cape Verde Islands. It is the biggest filistatid species, with females up to 14mm (males up to 7mm). These slender brown spiders have long pedipalps. Of the eight eyes, two appear white and are easily discerned. They are found on old walls and under rocks, where it builds a tube-like web that opens like funnel.

Filistata insidiatrix

Filistata insidiatrix is a spider species that occurs in the Mediterranean through to Turkmenistan, and on the Cape Verde Islands. It is the biggest filistatid species, with females up to 14mm (males up to 7mm). These slender brown spiders have long pedipalps. Of the eight eyes, two appear white and are easily discerned. They are found on old walls and under rocks, where it builds a tube-like web that opens like funnel.