Finite model property

In logic, a logic L has the finite model property (fmp for short) if there is a class of models M of L (i.e. each model in M is a model of L) such that any non-theorem of L is falsified by some finite model in M. Another way of putting this is to say that L has the fmp if for every formula A of L, A is an L-theorem iff A is a theorem of the theory of finite models of L.

Finite model property

In logic, a logic L has the finite model property (fmp for short) if there is a class of models M of L (i.e. each model in M is a model of L) such that any non-theorem of L is falsified by some finite model in M. Another way of putting this is to say that L has the fmp if for every formula A of L, A is an L-theorem iff A is a theorem of the theory of finite models of L.