Flyweight (MMA)

The flyweight division in mixed martial arts – as defined the Nevada State Athletic Commission combat sports doctrine and by the Association of Boxing Commissions – groups together all competitors 125 lb (57 kg) and below. The flyweight division in mixed martial arts refers to a number of different weight classes: * The UFC's flyweight division with an upper limit of 125 lb * The Pancrase light flyweight division with an upper limit of 120 lb * The Shooto flyweight division with an upper limit of 115 lb * The ONE Championship's flyweight limits between 126 and 135 lb (56.8 to 61.2 kg)

Flyweight (MMA)

The flyweight division in mixed martial arts – as defined the Nevada State Athletic Commission combat sports doctrine and by the Association of Boxing Commissions – groups together all competitors 125 lb (57 kg) and below. The flyweight division in mixed martial arts refers to a number of different weight classes: * The UFC's flyweight division with an upper limit of 125 lb * The Pancrase light flyweight division with an upper limit of 120 lb * The Shooto flyweight division with an upper limit of 115 lb * The ONE Championship's flyweight limits between 126 and 135 lb (56.8 to 61.2 kg)