Football365, or simply F365, is a website which is operated by 365 Media Group, a wholly owned subsidiary of BSkyB, from its base in Leeds. The website primarily covers the Premier League, as well as other European leagues and cups. It takes an informal and humorous approach to dealing with the latest football news and often includes running jokes about individuals connected with the sport. F365 has been noted for the comprehensive coverage it provides, as well as its statistics and comment features.

Football365, or simply F365, is a website which is operated by 365 Media Group, a wholly owned subsidiary of BSkyB, from its base in Leeds. The website primarily covers the Premier League, as well as other European leagues and cups. It takes an informal and humorous approach to dealing with the latest football news and often includes running jokes about individuals connected with the sport. F365 has been noted for the comprehensive coverage it provides, as well as its statistics and comment features.