For Your Country and My Country

"For Your Country and My Country" is a World War I era song released in 1917. Lyrics and music were written by Irving Berlin. The song was published by Waterson, Berlin & Snyder, Co. of New York, New York. Artist Albert Wilfred Barbelle designed the sheet music cover. It features Uncle Sam playing a snare drum with an eagle on his shoulder. In the background are ships sailing, and below are troops marching. Above the title, it reads, "The Official Recruiting Song." The song was written for voice and piano, along with chords for guitar, ukulele, and banjo.

For Your Country and My Country

"For Your Country and My Country" is a World War I era song released in 1917. Lyrics and music were written by Irving Berlin. The song was published by Waterson, Berlin & Snyder, Co. of New York, New York. Artist Albert Wilfred Barbelle designed the sheet music cover. It features Uncle Sam playing a snare drum with an eagle on his shoulder. In the background are ships sailing, and below are troops marching. Above the title, it reads, "The Official Recruiting Song." The song was written for voice and piano, along with chords for guitar, ukulele, and banjo.