Forest Creek Monster Meeting

The Forest Creek Monster Meeting was an organised protest at Forest Creek in Victoria, Australia against the increase in Miner's Licence fee planned by the colonial government of Victoria. Although it was one of several similar protests held around the colony, it is notable as the largest known mass rally held during the Australian gold rushes. In December 1851 the government announced that it intended to triple the licence fee from £1 to £3 a month, from 1 January 1852. The rally was largely successful as the government hastily withdrew its plans to increase the miner's licence fee.

Forest Creek Monster Meeting

The Forest Creek Monster Meeting was an organised protest at Forest Creek in Victoria, Australia against the increase in Miner's Licence fee planned by the colonial government of Victoria. Although it was one of several similar protests held around the colony, it is notable as the largest known mass rally held during the Australian gold rushes. In December 1851 the government announced that it intended to triple the licence fee from £1 to £3 a month, from 1 January 1852. The rally was largely successful as the government hastily withdrew its plans to increase the miner's licence fee.