Fortress of Humaitá

The Fortress of Humaitá (1854–68), known metaphorically as the Gibraltar of South America, was a military installation near the mouth of the River Paraguay. A strategic site without equal in the region, it was "the key to Paraguay and the upper rivers". It played a crucial role in the bloodiest conflict in the continent's history: the Paraguayan War. For present-day Paraguayans Humaitá is a symbol of national pride, standing for their country's unyielding will to resist.

Fortress of Humaitá

The Fortress of Humaitá (1854–68), known metaphorically as the Gibraltar of South America, was a military installation near the mouth of the River Paraguay. A strategic site without equal in the region, it was "the key to Paraguay and the upper rivers". It played a crucial role in the bloodiest conflict in the continent's history: the Paraguayan War. For present-day Paraguayans Humaitá is a symbol of national pride, standing for their country's unyielding will to resist.