Fortune Dogs

Fortune Dogs (ふぉうちゅんドッグす Fōchun Doggusu) is a manga series by Shuji Kishihara and Yasuharu Tomono serialized in Nakayosi, about the lives of 48 puppies. An anime television series was produced based on the manga. The main character's story presents the journey of the archetypal hero found in world mythologies and religions (the Monomyth), a theory developed by Joseph Campbell in his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces.

Fortune Dogs

Fortune Dogs (ふぉうちゅんドッグす Fōchun Doggusu) is a manga series by Shuji Kishihara and Yasuharu Tomono serialized in Nakayosi, about the lives of 48 puppies. An anime television series was produced based on the manga. The main character's story presents the journey of the archetypal hero found in world mythologies and religions (the Monomyth), a theory developed by Joseph Campbell in his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces.