Forty-Nine (steamboat)

The Forty-Nine was a steamboat built in 1865 at Marcus, Washington Terr., just above Kettle Falls on the Columbia River to carry travellers and freight north up the Columbia River and the Arrow Lakes to the Big Bend Gold Rush in the Colony of British Columbia. The destination of its run was the boomtown of La Porte, one of the main centres of the rush, which was located at the foot of the Dalles des Morts or "Death Rapids", the head of river navigation on the route and which were located in the immediate vicinity of the goldfields, which were on the nearby Goldstream River and Downie Creek. The Forty-Nine was the first chartered vessel to serve on this portion of the Columbia.

Forty-Nine (steamboat)

The Forty-Nine was a steamboat built in 1865 at Marcus, Washington Terr., just above Kettle Falls on the Columbia River to carry travellers and freight north up the Columbia River and the Arrow Lakes to the Big Bend Gold Rush in the Colony of British Columbia. The destination of its run was the boomtown of La Porte, one of the main centres of the rush, which was located at the foot of the Dalles des Morts or "Death Rapids", the head of river navigation on the route and which were located in the immediate vicinity of the goldfields, which were on the nearby Goldstream River and Downie Creek. The Forty-Nine was the first chartered vessel to serve on this portion of the Columbia.