Freddy and Fredericka

Freddy and Fredericka is a satiric novel by Mark Helprin. The book was initially published on July 7, 2005 by Penguin Press. In an interview, Helprin said that the idea for the story originated while he was in a restaurant in Portland, Oregon, while on book tour with his family to promote A Soldier of the Great War. The restaurant had a window through which patrons could see some people cooking and others washing dishes. One of Helprin's daughters asked if it was the Prince and Princess of Wales, who were in the news at the time, washing dishes.

Freddy and Fredericka

Freddy and Fredericka is a satiric novel by Mark Helprin. The book was initially published on July 7, 2005 by Penguin Press. In an interview, Helprin said that the idea for the story originated while he was in a restaurant in Portland, Oregon, while on book tour with his family to promote A Soldier of the Great War. The restaurant had a window through which patrons could see some people cooking and others washing dishes. One of Helprin's daughters asked if it was the Prince and Princess of Wales, who were in the news at the time, washing dishes.