Free Evangelical Fellowship

The Free Evangelical Fellowship (Norwegian: De Frie Evangeliske Forsamlinger, DFEF), formerly called "The Free Friends" (De frie venner) is one of the Free Church congregations in Norway. The Free Evangelical Fellowship is a nationwide movement with sixty seven parishes and contact addresses in Norway. The churches are legally independent. It is estimated that the local churches comprise a total of 8,000-10,000 members. Churches are mainly in the south and west of the country. Its origins date from the 1880s, but it became an established organization after 1900 under the leadership of preacher Erik A. Nordquelle (1858–1938). Its "Home and Mission Committee" is a joint mission conducted in several countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and South America. The Free Evangelical Fellowship believe

Free Evangelical Fellowship

The Free Evangelical Fellowship (Norwegian: De Frie Evangeliske Forsamlinger, DFEF), formerly called "The Free Friends" (De frie venner) is one of the Free Church congregations in Norway. The Free Evangelical Fellowship is a nationwide movement with sixty seven parishes and contact addresses in Norway. The churches are legally independent. It is estimated that the local churches comprise a total of 8,000-10,000 members. Churches are mainly in the south and west of the country. Its origins date from the 1880s, but it became an established organization after 1900 under the leadership of preacher Erik A. Nordquelle (1858–1938). Its "Home and Mission Committee" is a joint mission conducted in several countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and South America. The Free Evangelical Fellowship believe